Why Choose Jointless Concrete Flooring

2bJointless floor coverings are becoming increasingly popular, but very few are familiar with the properties of the product and will accept it later in everyday life.Jointless flooring result in a floor that radiates pure harmony and fascinate with their unique beauty, which can unfold entirely without disturbing elements. We offer an immense selection of design options, different designs and color options.Jointless staircases make stairs far more than just functional living elements, namely unique design objects, look just as beautiful and harmonious.

Without envy, we have to acknowledge that a spatula floor or jointless design floor, freshly finished, looks modern and timeless.A seamless surface is a unique element in the harmonious interior design. Smooth and wonderfully self-contained, a jointless furniture coating or a jointless flat surface is the result. Nothing disturbs the overall concept of the room, no disturbing joints distract the viewer's gaze. The design possibilities are almost immeasurable and the fields of the application extremely diverse. Surfaces without joints can be realized in any room and are also possible for outdoor use.

Seam-less bath flooring exerts a peculiar fascination. The uniform design of walls and floors exudes an exquisite elegance. Nothing disturbs the view of the observer, nothing distracts. A seamless bathroom conveys precisely those fundamental principles that characterize modern bathroom design: pure aesthetics and undisturbed tranquility.Today there are many floor coatings capable of supporting a large workload on them, since they are made especially for industry or commerce, and are capable of supporting a greater influx of personnel or vehicles.

To select a concrete floor covering , it is important to consider the use of the area where it will be placed, whether it is a bathroom or , a kitchen, an interior space or an exterior. Depending on it, an anti-slip floor, a smooth one will be required. It is also important to consider the dimensions and the light of the spaces, in order to select both the color and the dimensions of the coating required.Using suitable coatings facilitates compliance with hygienic requirements in the case of establishments that require it, either by the simple visual effect or by the ease of cleanin

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Why should you opt for Terrazzo flooring ?

Terrazzo is a trend that can never go out of style. Terrazzo provides bespoke floors that not only create a brilliant visual impact but also are extremely durable.

Terrazzo floors not only provide a premium finish but also provide a wide range of endless color combinations to choose from. Terrazzo is a perfect fit for both interior and exterior applications. The finish can also be matte or glossy, depending on one’s tastes.


In order to design and develop Terrazzo Flooring, a mould or precast is created in which Terrazzo is poured simultaneously while laying the flooring. Alongwith this, the chips are poured in the binder which can be either polymeric i.e. physical binding or cement oriented i.e. chemical binding or a mix of both. Post development of Terrazzo Flooring it is further polished to give a uniform, sheen, anti-skid and textured surface.

Being easy to clean and eco-friendly, these floorings require less maintenance and efforts. Composed of natural elements such as recycled plastic, glass, processed cement, oyster shell, etc. it increases the longevity of the flooring.

Another integral reason for
choosing Terrazzo flooring is its durability. Terrazzo floors are built to stand the rest of time and can undergo any wear and tear.

At Convow, our team of talented professionals and applicators bring your space alive no matter what your interiors are.

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Self-Leveling Seamless Concrete Flooring

3bSeamless flooring is the universal quality of all floors.They do not slip and do not smell. Blends based on quartz sand and polyester resins are environmentally friendly, dust-free and solidify within a few hours. Acrylic filling floors will be appropriate in chemical laboratories, canteens, dairies - where acid is actively present.

The absence of seams and joints in the floor significantly increases the ease of operation. Self-leveling seamless concrete flooring ensure that there is no accumulation of dirt in the joints, convenient for cleaning.


Jointless Flooring Application Area:-

  • Any production facilities ,
  • where seams can impede the movement of people and equipment;
  • residential, administrative,
  • retail space ,
  • where it is not advisable to spend extra time cleaning the floor from dirt between the seams and joints.

The thickness of the seamless bulk floors is not more than 5 mm, and the properties of these coatings largely depend on the composition of the mastics.Under the deformation seam means a composite and very important part of any floor of concrete. Seams can be of several types:

  • Insulating (seams that are performed along the wall, columns carrying structural elements of the house) ;
  • Thermal (seams that cut the house to full height to compensate for any temperature changes) ;
  • Shrinkage (seams, also known as compensatory seams, prevent cracking of the concrete floor in a chaotic manner during shrinkage) ;
  • Technological or structural (seams, which are performed after the end of the replacement or daytime pouring of concrete) .

Any deformation in the seams should be filled with sealants that have special properties (resistance to mechanical stress, good elasticity, etc. ) . After the seams were filled with sealants and the polymer coating was applied, we obtained a monolithic seamless floor.

In seamless floors, there are no joints which, when manufacturing industrial floors, can cause very serious inconvenience when moving machinery or people. In addition, often joints become the place due to which the destruction of polymer floors. The most important thing is that self-leveling seamless floors are very convenient to use, since they do not need special care or cleaning.

This type of Concrete floors can be divided by type of polymer into epoxy and polyurethane. There are other types of polymer coatings (alkyd, methyl methacrylate, acrylic) , but in their properties, as well as the ratio of price and quality, for industrial purposes, epoxy and polyurethane self-leveling seamless coatings are most often used.

A wide range of polymeric seamless floors of the most diverse shades will allow you to choose the color you need for creating an interior.


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Concrete Micro-Topping Diy


4Micro-Topping is a thin, flexible layer that is designed to bond to concrete. But the cement-like material also works with wood, plastic or metal. MicroTopping can be used for interior or exterior projects, on vertical or horizontal surfaces, and provides a durable coating that protects the underlying material in wet conditions.A variety of color options and combinations allows unique designs that can be installed directly on bare, hardened concrete. The finished application is only as thin as a credit card. Micro-Top can be used on smooth concrete or printed on floors, walls and concrete countertops. Let us see how you can do concrete microtopping yourself.

Things you will need

  • Trowel or a 6-inch spatula
  • Rollers

Preparation of the Concrete

  • Clean the dust and debris from the concrete. Vacuum the surface completely to remove all loose material.
  • Use a degreasing detergent to remove all traces of grease and oil.
  • Wash away the residue and allow it to dry completely. 
  • Scrape, grind or sand any foreign material that protrudes from the floor to create a solid flat surface. 
  • Clean up any debris created in this process.
  • Fill the cracks and chips by installing evenly semi-rigid elastomeric crack filler with a wide squeegee.

Applying the Micro-Top Finish

  1. Mark any design or pattern you want to use on bare concrete with a marker. Label the color to use for each area, creating a paint-by-number pattern directly on the concrete surface.
  2. You can create any color or pattern design you want.
  3. Pour a small amount of micro-Top base coat onto a prepared floor section. It is spread over the coverage area in a thin sheet with a spatula or a spatula. Continue this process until all areas are covered. Wait until this coat is dry to the touch.
  4. Apply the acrylic sealant to the whole Micro-Top system with a brush or paint roller. Let this finish dry completely before allowing traffic to the surface.

Suggestions & Warnings

  • Use the Bomanite epoxy primer under the base layer if the original concrete is prone to water penetration from below.
  • Protect the application in a high layer of micro-top from water spray to prevent permanent white fading in the final finish.
  • Read the instructions of all manufacturers completely before the start project.
  • Sandblasting and grinding the entire surface is not necessary unless necessary to create a particular effect.
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