Why should you opt for Terrazzo flooring ?

Terrazzo is a trend that can never go out of style. Terrazzo provides bespoke floors that not only create a brilliant visual impact but also are extremely durable.

Terrazzo floors not only provide a premium finish but also provide a wide range of endless color combinations to choose from. Terrazzo is a perfect fit for both interior and exterior applications. The finish can also be matte or glossy, depending on one’s tastes.


In order to design and develop Terrazzo Flooring, a mould or precast is created in which Terrazzo is poured simultaneously while laying the flooring. Alongwith this, the chips are poured in the binder which can be either polymeric i.e. physical binding or cement oriented i.e. chemical binding or a mix of both. Post development of Terrazzo Flooring it is further polished to give a uniform, sheen, anti-skid and textured surface.

Being easy to clean and eco-friendly, these floorings require less maintenance and efforts. Composed of natural elements such as recycled plastic, glass, processed cement, oyster shell, etc. it increases the longevity of the flooring.

Another integral reason for
choosing Terrazzo flooring is its durability. Terrazzo floors are built to stand the rest of time and can undergo any wear and tear.

At Convow, our team of talented professionals and applicators bring your space alive no matter what your interiors are.

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2791 Hits

Why Choose Jointless Concrete Flooring

2bJointless floor coverings are becoming increasingly popular, but very few are familiar with the properties of the product and will accept it later in everyday life.Jointless flooring result in a floor that radiates pure harmony and fascinate with their unique beauty, which can unfold entirely without disturbing elements. We offer an immense selection of design options, different designs and color options.Jointless staircases make stairs far more than just functional living elements, namely unique design objects, look just as beautiful and harmonious.

Without envy, we have to acknowledge that a spatula floor or jointless design floor, freshly finished, looks modern and timeless.A seamless surface is a unique element in the harmonious interior design. Smooth and wonderfully self-contained, a jointless furniture coating or a jointless flat surface is the result. Nothing disturbs the overall concept of the room, no disturbing joints distract the viewer's gaze. The design possibilities are almost immeasurable and the fields of the application extremely diverse. Surfaces without joints can be realized in any room and are also possible for outdoor use.

Seam-less bath flooring exerts a peculiar fascination. The uniform design of walls and floors exudes an exquisite elegance. Nothing disturbs the view of the observer, nothing distracts. A seamless bathroom conveys precisely those fundamental principles that characterize modern bathroom design: pure aesthetics and undisturbed tranquility.Today there are many floor coatings capable of supporting a large workload on them, since they are made especially for industry or commerce, and are capable of supporting a greater influx of personnel or vehicles.

To select a concrete floor covering , it is important to consider the use of the area where it will be placed, whether it is a bathroom or , a kitchen, an interior space or an exterior. Depending on it, an anti-slip floor, a smooth one will be required. It is also important to consider the dimensions and the light of the spaces, in order to select both the color and the dimensions of the coating required.Using suitable coatings facilitates compliance with hygienic requirements in the case of establishments that require it, either by the simple visual effect or by the ease of cleanin

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  3281 Hits
3281 Hits

Self-Leveling Seamless Concrete Flooring

3bSeamless flooring is the universal quality of all floors.They do not slip and do not smell. Blends based on quartz sand and polyester resins are environmentally friendly, dust-free and solidify within a few hours. Acrylic filling floors will be appropriate in chemical laboratories, canteens, dairies - where acid is actively present.

The absence of seams and joints in the floor significantly increases the ease of operation. Self-leveling seamless concrete flooring ensure that there is no accumulation of dirt in the joints, convenient for cleaning.


Jointless Flooring Application Area:-

  • Any production facilities ,
  • where seams can impede the movement of people and equipment;
  • residential, administrative,
  • retail space ,
  • where it is not advisable to spend extra time cleaning the floor from dirt between the seams and joints.

The thickness of the seamless bulk floors is not more than 5 mm, and the properties of these coatings largely depend on the composition of the mastics.Under the deformation seam means a composite and very important part of any floor of concrete. Seams can be of several types:

  • Insulating (seams that are performed along the wall, columns carrying structural elements of the house) ;
  • Thermal (seams that cut the house to full height to compensate for any temperature changes) ;
  • Shrinkage (seams, also known as compensatory seams, prevent cracking of the concrete floor in a chaotic manner during shrinkage) ;
  • Technological or structural (seams, which are performed after the end of the replacement or daytime pouring of concrete) .

Any deformation in the seams should be filled with sealants that have special properties (resistance to mechanical stress, good elasticity, etc. ) . After the seams were filled with sealants and the polymer coating was applied, we obtained a monolithic seamless floor.

In seamless floors, there are no joints which, when manufacturing industrial floors, can cause very serious inconvenience when moving machinery or people. In addition, often joints become the place due to which the destruction of polymer floors. The most important thing is that self-leveling seamless floors are very convenient to use, since they do not need special care or cleaning.

This type of Concrete floors can be divided by type of polymer into epoxy and polyurethane. There are other types of polymer coatings (alkyd, methyl methacrylate, acrylic) , but in their properties, as well as the ratio of price and quality, for industrial purposes, epoxy and polyurethane self-leveling seamless coatings are most often used.

A wide range of polymeric seamless floors of the most diverse shades will allow you to choose the color you need for creating an interior.


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  15843 Hits
15843 Hits

Concrete Micro-Topping Diy


4Micro-Topping is a thin, flexible layer that is designed to bond to concrete. But the cement-like material also works with wood, plastic or metal. MicroTopping can be used for interior or exterior projects, on vertical or horizontal surfaces, and provides a durable coating that protects the underlying material in wet conditions.A variety of color options and combinations allows unique designs that can be installed directly on bare, hardened concrete. The finished application is only as thin as a credit card. Micro-Top can be used on smooth concrete or printed on floors, walls and concrete countertops. Let us see how you can do concrete microtopping yourself.

Things you will need

  • Trowel or a 6-inch spatula
  • Rollers

Preparation of the Concrete

  • Clean the dust and debris from the concrete. Vacuum the surface completely to remove all loose material.
  • Use a degreasing detergent to remove all traces of grease and oil.
  • Wash away the residue and allow it to dry completely. 
  • Scrape, grind or sand any foreign material that protrudes from the floor to create a solid flat surface. 
  • Clean up any debris created in this process.
  • Fill the cracks and chips by installing evenly semi-rigid elastomeric crack filler with a wide squeegee.

Applying the Micro-Top Finish

  1. Mark any design or pattern you want to use on bare concrete with a marker. Label the color to use for each area, creating a paint-by-number pattern directly on the concrete surface.
  2. You can create any color or pattern design you want.
  3. Pour a small amount of micro-Top base coat onto a prepared floor section. It is spread over the coverage area in a thin sheet with a spatula or a spatula. Continue this process until all areas are covered. Wait until this coat is dry to the touch.
  4. Apply the acrylic sealant to the whole Micro-Top system with a brush or paint roller. Let this finish dry completely before allowing traffic to the surface.

Suggestions & Warnings

  • Use the Bomanite epoxy primer under the base layer if the original concrete is prone to water penetration from below.
  • Protect the application in a high layer of micro-top from water spray to prevent permanent white fading in the final finish.
  • Read the instructions of all manufacturers completely before the start project.
  • Sandblasting and grinding the entire surface is not necessary unless necessary to create a particular effect.
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  14957 Hits
14957 Hits

Laying A Concrete Floor In A House

5when laying a concrete floor in a house, a garage or a workshop, it is very important thatit should be firm enough, so as to avoid, over time, yielding or cracking.Concrete flooring , when done well , will be a very good foundation, and in these times of scarcity of wood will be cheaper than a wooden one. Generally, the structures of this type are raised in gardens, whose soil is loose, conditions in which it is necessary to do a good job to avoid the inconveniences that we have mentioned.

If the floor is soft it will be necessary to dig it to a depth of 25 cm, for which it is necessary to begin by marking the four angles of the space to work. This is done by burying four wooden stakes; then choose a right straight strip, which serves as a rule, and using it in combination with a level, verify that the height of the four stakes is the same. All the stakes are buried to the same height, and then the soil is dug so that the open parts of said stakes are all of the equal lengths.


The stakes should be raised a few centimeters above the surface of the finished soil. The hole that has been left when digging is filled with ashes, to a depth of 15 cm, so that there will be another 10 cm for the concrete. The four stakes that mark the angles are joined with a thread; parallel to this thread several more stakes are placed on each side, 25 mm from the marked limit. These stakes are buried so that their tips are flush with the desired level for the surface of the floor, and the height of each of them is checked with the others by means of the strip used as a rule, of which we have spoken, and of the level to alcohol. On the inside of the stakes, boards of 101 mm by 25 mm section are nailed, forming a frame or mold into which the cement is poured.

If the floor is destined to a garage, it is necessary to prepare a transverse member that will be level with the general surface, which is done by nailing a wooden strip on the inside face of the front strip. If only one person works, the amount of concrete mixed per time should not exceed two or three truckloads, otherwise, the work will be very freckled. The mixture is prepared on a board, which cannot be less than 1 m side by 25 mm thick, which is nailed to some slats.


A good mixture is prepared with a part of cement, two of sand and four of a conglomerate formed by pellets and gravel. The sand should be clean, dry and free of impurities, such as dirt or mud. The amount of material needed for any given case can be calculated on the basis that a ton of dry conglomerate is approximately equivalent to a cube of 90 cm on each side. Mix all the ingredients, first dry, and stir until the cement is well distributed and the set has a uniform gray color. A pile is formed, a depression is made in the center and, with a watering can, water is added in small amounts, stirring and putting back more water, until the mixture is semi-fluid. The mixture is transported to the place delimited for the floor, on which it is deposited in a heap somewhat higher than the planks that mark the shape, and it is begun to work, making it enter well at the angles with a shovel or hoe. When a space of 80 cm or 90 cm width has been filled, it is smoothed with the edge of a plank.

If the concrete is uniformly hit with the edge of the board, the fine parts of the mixture will remain on the surface, giving a smooth and even finish, which will have to be level with the top of the frame or mold. Later, when the excess water has been removed, this surface will be again smoothed with a metal trowel. Keep mixing concrete and putting it in the form until it has been completely filled; it is finished as indicated, and it is protected against rains and frosts as well as against domestic animals, covering it with bags held in place, like a tent by means of rods or reeds.

If there is no frost, nor the sun is very strong, this protection can be removed within 24 hours. This protection can be withdrawn within 24 hours. Otherwise, it is convenient to leave it for at least two days, after which the planks of the form or mold can be removed, but will not walk on the concrete surface until several days have passed, after which it will be perfectly solid and able to withstand constant use without cracking.

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14057 Hits

Seamless Floor Types & Properties

6Seamless floors, which are monolithic coverings for various purposes, are increasingly in demand in the market every year. Such compositions are made from special self-leveling polymer mixtures. Initially, seamless floors were only used in production rooms, but the practicality and versatility of such surfaces made them popular with a wide variety of customers. Currently, these compounds are used almost everywhere.

Properties and benefits of Seamless Floors

Strength and durability. Monolithic, but at the same time elastic structure gives such coatings special strength, wear resistance and resistance to increased mechanical stress. Due to their properties, seamless floors retain decorative and operational properties for a long time. In addition, the ability of the material to align itself allows you to effortlessly get a smooth smooth surface.

Good Sound Insulation: Seamless filling floors have the advantage of excellent insulation performance.

Hygiene . The construction of such coatings is not associated with the formation of a significant amount of dust. Due to the lack of seams on the floor, there are no accumulations of harmful microorganisms, which is especially important for children's and medical institutions.

Easy cleaning: The surface of such a floor is easy to clean practically from all types of household pollution.

What are the seamless floors

Depending on the varieties of resins used as base components, seamless floors are divided into the following types.

Concrete Seamless Flooring: This type of flooring is most roboust and is also prefered choice for both resiential as well as shops and showrooms.

Epoxy Seamless Flooring: These compounds are made from two-component epoxy mixtures. Due to slight shrinkage, good adhesion to the substrate and resistance to mechanical and aggressive influences, these coatings are widely used in rooms where significant physical stresses on the floor or the influence of aggressive environments are possible.

Polyurethane Seamless Flooring : These compositions are made from two components with the addition of various modifiers, reagent oligomers and hardeners. Polyurethane self-leveling floors are characterized by high elasticity, resistance to vibrations, loads and temperature differences.

Polyester Seamless Flooring: The composition of polyester blends includes resins and quartz sand of fine fraction. An important advantage of coatings of this type is a high rate of solidification. Their use allows you to get a hygienic and dust-free surface in just a few hours. However, the use of these compounds in industrial and residential areas is not recommended, since even after the polymerization is completed, some toxic and combustible components remain in them.

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7716 Hits

Microtopping Bathroom Flooring

With Micro Topping you can create a modern, clean and light bathroom without tiles. Cleaning concrete Micro Topping is very simple. Even wiping with a damp cloth is enough to clean the surfaces, adding a small amount of neutral detergent foam.

7Moreover, a number of studies show that Micro Topping is resistant to various chemicals in products that are available for general use. Microtopping is perfect for the upholstery of your bathroom walls and ceilings, especially for all those who love contemporary aesthetics and who do not like interruptions and seams it has better specifications than traditional decorative paints.

Indeed, with this concrete floor covering, even the washbasins, bath and shower faucets can be done, because it has no problem with high humidity. Old tiles do not have to be removed when using Micro Topping, so no hacking and breaking work which also means no dust! The resistance of Microtopping is even greater than that of normal polished flooring (which is already considered extremely resistant) .

The resistance of this flooring has been tested by means of mechanical and thermal loads and against damage, impact, wear and tear, fire, cracks, and chemical and corrosive substances. The inscrutability has also been tested repeatedly and showed excellent results, even under exposure to steam.

Due to the superior technical specifications, it can also be used for underfloor heating: it offers good thermal conductivity, making it heat very quickly and accelerating the heat radiation process. The more the material conducts heat, the lower the energy consumption: this means that your home is heated much faster and you see the savings on your energy bill.

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  5699 Hits
5699 Hits

Seamless flooring Advantages And Uses

Seamless concrete floor coverings are in trend and are available in many colors. Because in order to achieve interesting color effects, the concrete floor used can also be completely or partially dyed. In addition, seamless flooring can be designed and refined by numerous techniques: Each of our hand-laid floors is guaranteed to be unique: whether in natural white or dyed, whether dull or shiny, smooth or with visible traces of the processor.

8Advantages of Seamless flooring

Many positive qualities characterize a jointless floor. Jointless floors are made of durable, durable plastics. These plastics can be individually adapted to the requirements of the client. Jointless floors can be, for example, antistatic, antibacterial and slip-resistant. The client can freely choose the color scheme of jointless floor coverings.




Uses of Jointless/ Seamless Floors

A jointless floor can be usefully used in almost all areas. In private homes, seamless concrete floors can be laid in wet rooms, kitchens and living rooms. Due to its load-bearing capacity, however, a jointless floor is also suitable for heavy loads. Jointless floors can be laid, for example, in industrial and office buildings, in warehouses and department stores, but also in hospitals and nursing homes. When it comes to strength, durability and easy cleaning, a seamless floor is a right choice.

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  3931 Hits
3931 Hits

Concrete Flooring - Pros and Cons

Like all floors, concrete flooring has a number of advantages and disadvantages depending on where it is used. It is important to know the prons and cons of conrete floors so you can decide where to use it and where not to use it.

Concrete Flooring Advantages

Durable  : Concrete floors are extremely stiff and able to withstand pressure from very heavy equipment such as cars, trucks, loaders, and folded crates. That's why it's such a popular material in hard-working commercial areas, such as garages and warehouses. Strength also means that the concrete floor is difficult to damage. The legs of furniture and the claws of pets will not scratch the surface. You also do not have to worry about damage from falling objects on the floor. Although scratching the surface of the concrete is possible, you must work very hard to succeed.

Easy To Maintain: Concrete floor covering will require minimal maintenance. It should be coated or waxed every 3 to 9 months, depending on the intensity of the movement, in order to maintain a protective layer above the surface. You can use neutral cleaners to wipe the floor periodically.

Environmentally Friendly: in most cases, the concrete base already exists under a different type of material and is below the level. This means that to form a concrete floor, in fact, you just need to remove everything that was placed on it. If new concrete laying is not performed, then carbon does not emit into the atmosphere.


Universal: As long as the concrete is smooth and free of holes, bumps, and defects, you have the option of mounting over it any coating that you want to lay in later. This gives you a lot of freedom for design. Note that the underlying layer may be required for installation of concrete and the material that you choose.

Long-Lasting : A properly protected flooring of this type can stand indefinitely. Even in commercial premises, it can survive in high traffic for many years. This allows you to save money, as well as preventing hassle over the periodic installation of new coatings.

Design options: When most people think of a concrete , they think about ugly gray surfaces with a sharp uneven texture. However, modern advances in the production of concrete allowed designers to achieve an infinite variety of colors and textures with this universal material. In some cases, the paint is added directly to the concrete mixture before the mixture is kneaded. You can already apply the already installed floor to the surface using the appropriate dye.

The texture of the concrete can be smooth when pouring the floor. Also, decorative patterns can be cut out on the floor when it is not yet frozen. You also have the option of polishing the material to form a gloss, or engraving it to create a tile effect.

Concrete flooring Disadvantages

Its Hard: The durability and strength of concrete can also be a disadvantage. The surface of the concrete floor is very hard. If you stumble and fall, you will probably harm yourself. Items that fall on this surface are likely to collapse or break. That is why these floors are not recommended for places that children or elderly people will often visit.

Inconvenience: The hardness of this material also makes it uncomfortable for standing for long periods of time. Concrete is not elastic, and if you are forced to stand on it for a long time, your feet will feel all the aggression of its hardness.

Coldness: Another disadvantage of concrete floors is that they do not tend to keep heat. This means that on a cold winter morning the floor surface will be cold for bare feet. This can be compensated to some extent by the use of carpets.

Susceptibleto Moisture : If the top and bottom surfaces are not well sealed, the concrete will be very susceptible to moisture penetration. If the liquid does break through into the pores of the concrete floor, it can stay there and lead to mold growth in your home. In some places, you also need to worry about the freezing of moisture that gets to the floor, which will lead to an expansion that eventually destroys the coating.

Environmentally Harmful: when using an existing concrete slab, the production of concrete products for a new floor may, in fact, have negative environmental consequences. This is due to the specificity of concrete to require significant energy and carbon dioxide in the process of solidification.

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  8940 Hits
8940 Hits

Concrete Flooring : The most versatile flooring option in India

Concrete flooring is a massive growing trend and its roots are spreading in the flooring market in warehouse, retail, and decorative facilities across India & the globe.Concrete flooring has transformed more than any other concrete trade in the last decade. From conquering the industrial flooring type into the architectural and retail world.

Concrete Flooring The most versatile flooring option in IndiaIt’s myriad features such as durability, strength, value for money, sustainability make it the new acceptable standard in commercial and industrial flooring

Concrete flooring has graced the space in high-visibility and high-traffic commercial spaces, such as retail stores, restaurants and salons. The better substitute for wood, vinyl tile, and carpet.

Concrete’s ability to take pressure and wear and tear is much more than most flooring materials. Add to it, versatility that allows it to be customized to suit any spectrum, is what sets it apart.

Concrete Floors are best suited for high-traffic retail facilities because of their durability and design versatility. Concrete flooring stands for durability, abrasion resistance and low maintenance.


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  3608 Hits
3608 Hits

Micro Topping Concrete Floors - Pros and Cons

With the fact that topping makes it possible to create high strength floors, everything is clear, but the question arises, why should it be done? In principle, here, too, all is more or less clear, but in order to understand this better, you should familiarize yourself with the pros and cons of micro topping concrete floors.

Miro Topping Pros

  1. Floor topping improves the performance of the surface several times - such a floor does not wear out for a long time and can withstand very high loads from equipment and transport.
  2. Reinforcements, rubbed into concrete, repeatedly strengthen its strength.
  3. Simultaneously with the increase in technical and operational characteristics, the process of dust removal of the floor also takes place - the surface of the concrete ceases to deteriorate and, as a result, no dust sediment forms on it.
  4. Micro Toppings prevent the penetration of moisture inside the concrete - in the same way, they do not let it out. As a result, the floor maintains a stable level of humidity, so that concrete does not dry out and retains its strength characteristics for a long time.
  5. MicoTopping prolongs the period of using the floor many times.
  6. Saving the budget for the repair of the floor, because the topping floors for a long time do not need to be repaired.
  7. Saving on the finish - the topping floors have a very attractive appearance and do not need additional finishing.
  8. Elementary maintenance and care - there are almost no limits to the use of detergents and, in general, methods for cleaning a concrete floor reinforced with topping.

Micro Topping Cons

10Cons ? would you belive, there are none - it's the ideal floor for any industrial enterprise, where its operation is carried out with great intensity and under heavy loads. Among the shortcomings can be attributed unless the cost, which at first glance may seem very high - expensive materials themselves and expensive work on the device hardened concrete floors. In principle, floors of this type are worth such money - they pay off with a very long period of operation and all the advantages described above.

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  4562 Hits
4562 Hits

Microtopping Flooring Advantages

11MICROTOPPING is a smooth coating of improved cement-based polymer, which can be as thin as paper or built to the thickness you need up to about 1/4 "thicker than what you would build with other products and use Microtopping as the final finish. It has a mechanical compression force usually twice that of normal concrete.It is applied by hand with metal trowels.

You can have a monolithic floor or cut like sloughs, it can be entirely colored or dyed by various means.Microtopping usually It has more character than other concrete floors because it is applied by hand by an expert and each movement creates a unique appearance, your floor will not look like another floor.Microtopping transforms the floors into a continuous and luminous space.It is now possible to modernize an existing environment without having to perform heavy demolition work. 

MicroTopping Advantages

  • It is applied to an existing floor and does not vary the finished floor levels due to its thinness.
  • It allows creating floor patterns in various colors.
  • For floors and walls both interior and exterior due to its resistance to abrasion.
  • It waterproofs the surface due to its high content of acrylics.
  • Low maintenance cost since it only requires mopping.
  • In walls it can be applied on a painted surface after technical evaluation.