Seamless Floor Types & Properties

6Seamless floors, which are monolithic coverings for various purposes, are increasingly in demand in the market every year. Such compositions are made from special self-leveling polymer mixtures. Initially, seamless floors were only used in production rooms, but the practicality and versatility of such surfaces made them popular with a wide variety of customers. Currently, these compounds are used almost everywhere.

Properties and benefits of Seamless Floors

Strength and durability. Monolithic, but at the same time elastic structure gives such coatings special strength, wear resistance and resistance to increased mechanical stress. Due to their properties, seamless floors retain decorative and operational properties for a long time. In addition, the ability of the material to align itself allows you to effortlessly get a smooth smooth surface.

Good Sound Insulation: Seamless filling floors have the advantage of excellent insulation performance.

Hygiene . The construction of such coatings is not associated with the formation of a significant amount of dust. Due to the lack of seams on the floor, there are no accumulations of harmful microorganisms, which is especially important for children's and medical institutions.

Easy cleaning: The surface of such a floor is easy to clean practically from all types of household pollution.

What are the seamless floors

Depending on the varieties of resins used as base components, seamless floors are divided into the following types.

Concrete Seamless Flooring: This type of flooring is most roboust and is also prefered choice for both resiential as well as shops and showrooms.

Epoxy Seamless Flooring: These compounds are made from two-component epoxy mixtures. Due to slight shrinkage, good adhesion to the substrate and resistance to mechanical and aggressive influences, these coatings are widely used in rooms where significant physical stresses on the floor or the influence of aggressive environments are possible.

Polyurethane Seamless Flooring : These compositions are made from two components with the addition of various modifiers, reagent oligomers and hardeners. Polyurethane self-leveling floors are characterized by high elasticity, resistance to vibrations, loads and temperature differences.

Polyester Seamless Flooring: The composition of polyester blends includes resins and quartz sand of fine fraction. An important advantage of coatings of this type is a high rate of solidification. Their use allows you to get a hygienic and dust-free surface in just a few hours. However, the use of these compounds in industrial and residential areas is not recommended, since even after the polymerization is completed, some toxic and combustible components remain in them.

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